Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tips and advices for freelancers

Author: Egyptian Freelancer

How to Build a Strong Relationship with Your Customers - A Guide to Customer Relationships for Freelancers & Self Employed

One of the best ways to run a good business as well as keep the clients which you currently have is to build a strong relationship with your clients. Everyone likes to feel appreciated and this is true for those who have a business relationship. The clients want to feel as if they matter to the business owner as they are part of the reason why the business is still in existence. There are a few ways for business owners to build a strong relationship with their customers as doing so will not only maintain their client base but possibly expand it as well through recommendations.

Know Your Clients by Name

One of the best ways for business owners to build a strong relationship with their clients is to know them by name and address them as such whenever they contact them. A business owner who knows their client by name will make the customer feel appreciated and give them their due recognition. This will show the client that they matter to the owner and are good customers overall. It is also a good idea for the employees of the business to familiarize themselves with the clients and acknowledge them by name as well since employees are an extension of the business owner and the business itself.

Make Conversation with Your Clients

Although it is important to discuss business matters at length with your clients it is also a wise idea to make small talk with them as well. Doing so will show them that you are interested in them as individuals and not just view them as income. Just be sure to keep the small talk light and not be too intrusive with your questions or conversations.

Offer Incentives to Your Regular Customers

Another way to build a strong relationship with your customers is to offer free incentives from time to time. For example, if you run a restaurant try to offer your regular clients a free dessert or beverage once in a while. Doing so will show them that you acknowledge their constant patronage and appreciate them choosing your establishment over others. Offering incentives can be as small or as great as you would like them to be. However, it is a good idea to not offer these incentives too often as the customers may come to expect them after a while. Just do so on an occasional basis.

Always Offer Top Notch Service

No matter how nice of a business owner you are or how many incentives you offer your clients, if you fail to offer top-notch services it can be the downfall to your business relationship. Therefore, another way to build a strong relationship is to ensure that the business offerings are always first rate.

Inquire About Customer Comments

Lastly, you should inquire with your customers from time to time with regard to how your business is doing overall. Ask your clients if there is anything you should consider changing to make your business more favorable to their needs. This is another way to really build a good relationship with your clients and keep them coming back for more time and time again.

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