Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spotting A Good Freelance Writing Career By Freelance Writers Guides

Author: Sylvia Silvermaster

Being a freelance writer has plenty of benefits specially for stay-at-home mothers who want to earn money without the need of leaving their children at home. For most people, the primary motivation to go freelance is the opportunity to be their own boss and to be able to work at their own desired time. However, take note that a freelance writer's lifestyle is only ideal for those who are able to manage their work sans instructions and guidance from a superior.

The best way to start a career in freelance writing is by making your own website. Creating a simple blog will open wonderful and endless opportunities for a struggling newbie. It is a great stage to show off your talent and skills in technical or creative writing. The secret here is to write about a specific topic that interest you most and soon enough, clients will begin to contact you for your writing services.

You will need to learn to spot good freelance writing opportunities - and here's how!

• Always do a background check of the company or website listing the ad. Find out how long the website has been in existence, if they have contact information, and what kind of credibility they can provide. Honest and legitimate freelance writing opportunities are always very open about these details.

• Be selective! Look for freelance writing opportunities where the client specifies that he/she can be contacted by phone - often job offers are rather vague, and a voice-to-voice conversation with your employer about will be required is invaluable.

• Think outside the box. Look for freelance writing opportunities outside the realms of articles, novels and non-fiction. There is a huge demand for technical writing, editing, poetry, and others... and not as much supply! If there is a huge demand for something, and the supply is low, you can drive your price up!

• Find job ads that REALLY appeal to you. Believe it or not, if you can get paid to write about something that really interests you, or about something of which you are well-versed, you have found a good opportunity. You will enjoy it, find it easy to accomplish, and be able to finish it quickly!

If you follow these tips faithfully, you will get much closer to your dream of being a freelance writer! A freelance writing career can be both exciting and lucrative, if you know the secrets of finding those high paying writing assignments!

These tips help you to see the full potential of your freelance writing career. You can begin using them today to find better freelance writing jobs for yourself. Each day is a new opportunity and each new opportunity will help you grow and expand on your business.

The truth is, however, that most of what "amateurs" find when searching for good writing opportunities is so low-paying that it doesn't seem worth the effort. Why not give yourself a break and learn from an expert writer about how to really make the money roll in?

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/article-marketing-articles/spotting-a-good-freelance-writing-career-by-freelance-writers-guides-5136089.html

About the Author

The Freelance Writer's Guides site offers tips and markets for freelance writers seeking writing jobs online. Find high paying markets with write for trade publications and custom publishers. This is an excellent resource for freelance writing.

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  1. Ashlee’s Work From Home Happiness blog is anything and everything you wanted to know about work from home opportunities. I had no idea how many different work from home jobs there are!
    What resonated with me is that Ashlee is also a freelance writer. She gave up her job to pursue freelance writing and never looked back. She now makes a full-time living writing – just like me – and some of her best Pintastic posts are about freelance writing.
    Ashlee is also soo helpful! I’ve been emailing her about Tailwind and Pinterest and email marketing and you can tell she takes the time to help others whenever she emails you.
    She also has a job board, so if you are interested in picking a side job or extra cash, go there to see what’s available.
    Ashlee has a fantastic beginner’s guide to getting started working from home so be sure to check that out.

  2. Ashlee’s Work From Home Happiness blog is anything and everything you wanted to know about work from home opportunities. I had no idea how many different work from home jobs there are!
    What resonated with me is that Ashlee is also a freelance writer. She gave up her job to pursue freelance writing and never looked back. She now makes a full-time living writing – just like me – and some of her best Pintastic posts are about freelance writing.
    Ashlee is also soo helpful! I’ve been emailing her about Tailwind and Pinterest and email marketing and you can tell she takes the time to help others whenever she emails you.
    She also has a job board, so if you are interested in picking a side job or extra cash, go there to see what’s available.
    Ashlee has a fantastic beginner’s guide to getting started working from home so be sure to check that out.
